simple daily excercise for mind & body vitality 



is a gentle yet effective system of daily excercise that taps the minds imaginative energy to transform the body into a vital and well-balanced instrument.


The Energy Source is concerned not with altheticism but mental and bodily health. It focuses on creating the kinds of qualities emodied by dancers, climbers and those in the martial arts - toned and relaxed muscles capable of any movement. Modified from dance excercises, it uses many of the dancer's skills - awareness of the body, breathing technique and rhythm of movement. The easy to follow Five Step system develops flexibility, suppleness and deep relaxation, promoting the release of long-held tension and toxins. This allows energy to flow through the body and vitality to flourish.


The interchangeable elements of the Energy Source can be varied in length and intensity to suit different tastes and lifestyles. The programme is easily learn't yet develops a rewarding richness over time.



health and fitness/mind, body & spirit - ISBN: 1-85375-235-5













Clare Guss-West, Zurich © 2011 • Privacy Policy • Terms of Use

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